First, my father, Harley Clark: retired IBM Director of Executive Resources. He's always had a keen eye for talent and years of experience identifying and nurturing it. His authentic approach to others is something I bring my professional roles, now as an independent business person, and retired IBMer and alum myself.
Next, Richard Sapper: an extraordinary designer I've had the privilege of working with for many years. His independent approach, ability to work alone, and yet teach and influence entire generations of new design professionals has been a inspiration - and a model for my practice.
My next door neighbor in Connecticut, John Cowan: no longer with us, John was an inventor, an entrepreneur, and someone I went alpine skiing with on weekends until he was in his late 80's. If I can ski and be as active and inquisitive for several more decades as John was late into his life it will be a great journey ahead.
And then there is Napier Collyns: Founder of Global Business Network and the co-inventor of Scenario Planning with Peter Schwartz at Royal Dutch Shell. Napier told me he created GBN just to have smart people to play with in retirement. Still a good idea, one I've moved forward into the core role of Content Evolution in my life.
Four role models. Thank you.
Thanks to everyone who's played a role in encouraging me as a lifelong learner, and still helping today in shaping new directions.